MPIO v1.4.0
Build instructions

Operating Systems

Windows (10/11)

1. Install Visual Studio Community (Or any other IDE)

  1. Download latest version from
  2. Launch downloaded Visual Studio installer
  3. Select "Desktop development with C++" before installation
  4. Then click Install button to begin installation

2. Install Git

You may use default Git install options or chose any other default Git editor instead of Vim.

3. Install CMake

  1. Download latest release version of installer from
  2. Select "Add CMake to the system PATH for the current user" during installation

Ubuntu (22.04/24.04)

1. Install Visual Studio Code (Or any other IDE)

  1. Download and install latest version from
  2. Install "C/C++" And "CMake Tools" extensions inside Visual Studio Code

2. Install required packages

  1. Run sudo apt-get update command using Terminal app
  2. And sudo apt-get install git cmake gcc g++

macOS (14/15)

1. Install Xcode (Or any other IDE)

  1. Download and install latest version from App Store app
  2. Run xcode-select --install command using Terminal app to install Xcode tools

2. Install required packages

  1. Install Homebrew package manager from
  2. Run brew update command using Terminal app
  3. And brew install git cmake

Build Project

To build the project run one of the scripts using Terminal, Git Bash or build it using IDE.

Visual Studio (2022)

  1. Open Visual Studio 2022 IDE
  2. Click "Open a local folder" and open the repository folder
  3. Click Build -> Build All to build the project

Visual Studio Code (VS Code)

  1. Open Visual Studio Code IDE
  2. Install "C/C++" And "CMake Tools" extensions
  3. Click File -> Open Folder... and open the repository folder
  4. Click Yes in "Would you like to configure project..."
  5. Select one of the compiler Kits in the opened window
  6. Click Build button at the bottom bar to build the engine